About XShares Advisors LLC

XShares Advisors LLC is a registered investment advisor that provides investment advisory services to Exchange Traded Funds.

XShares Advisors LLC also partners with major institutions and index providers seeking to bring innovative Exchange Traded Funds to market using its administrative platform. In addition, XShares creates and licenses distinctive intellectual property for its ETFs, developing products that allow for innovative trading strategies and alternative investments for the financial community.

At Xshares Advisors LLC, we are driven by innovation and dedicated to reshaping the landscape of investment management. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry advancements allows us to offer our clients access to the most promising and transformative investment avenues.

About Us

XShares Advisors LLC
you can trust

At XShares Advisors LLC, we understand the importance of trust when it comes to your financial endeavors. As a reputable financial partner, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and transparency. Our commitment to trust and reliability is evident in our core values and the way we conduct our business.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver outstanding services, enabling our clients to reach their financial objectives. Integrity, trust, and transparency are the cornerstones of our values. We are dedicated to cultivating relationships built on mutual trust and open communication. Our client-focused approach ensures your interests are the top priority.

XShares Advisors LLC
for your Financial Managements

Let XShares Advisors LLC be your trusted partner in finance. Discover the difference that trust, transparency, and integrity can make in achieving your financial goals.

Proven Track Record

XShares Advisors LLC's history of excellence demonstrates our commitment to reliable financial solutions.

Client-Centric Approach

We prioritize your goals, offering personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Transparency and Integrity

Our unwavering ethical standards and open communication build trust in your financial journey.

  • Digital Assets

    Enhance your portfolio with real estate. Gain access to diverse property opportunities, including residential, commercial, and income-generating assets, with our expert guidance.

  • Real Estate

    Enhance your portfolio with real estate. Gain access to diverse property opportunities, including residential, commercial, and income-generating assets, with our expert guidance.

  • Customized Portfolio

    Customize your investment strategy for your unique financial goals and risk tolerance. Our team works closely with you to craft a personalized portfolio, including traditional and alternative assets.

  • Renewable Energy

    Make an impact on the environment and your investments with our renewable energy services. Invest in solar, wind, and battery technologies while supporting sustainability.

  • Venture Fund

    Explore the world of venture capital investment with our venture fund. Access early-stage startups across various sectors with our due diligence and vast network.

  • Technology Stocks

    Seize opportunities in cutting-edge technology with our tech stock services. Invest in pioneering companies through expert research and analysis.

Want to know more?

Regulatory Compliance

XShares Advisors LLC operates in strict accordance with the highest regulatory standards. Ensuring a secure path for the blockchain industry.

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Funds management

Xshares Advisors LLC oversees a total of $4 billion in assets, with $143.5 million managed within discretionary accounts.

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Our Partners