Our process of curating assets for personalized investment portfolios is structured into four key phases, meticulously designed to address market unpredictabilities and safeguard investor interests.

Our Asset Selection Strategy

Comprehensive Research and Analysis: We employ rigorous industry-standard methods and best practices to perform extensive research and analysis. This helps us identify high-performing assets within various classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and digital assets.

Risk-Return Optimization: Our team of investment experts assesses each asset's risk-return characteristics and its correlation with other portfolio holdings. Our goal is to achieve an optimal diversification strategy and minimize market-related risks.

Active Management and Rebalancing: We actively manage your portfolio, maintaining an ongoing review of asset allocations. This ensures your portfolio stays aligned with your investment objectives and adapts to the evolving market landscape.

Proven Investment Strategies: Our approach combines established investment strategies, including asset allocation, factor investing, and tactical asset management. These elements converge to form customized portfolios designed for consistent growth and stable performance.

Our asset selection strategy consists of four phases: comprehensive research, risk-return optimization, active management, and the application of proven investment strategies to create customized portfolios

Four Key Attributes of Our Tailored Investment Portfolio

Personalized Solutions

Our tailored portfolios are designed to align with your individual financial objectives and adapt as your requirements evolve.

Expert Advisory

Our seasoned investment advisors collaborate closely with you to grasp your goals and provide professional guidance at every stage of your investment journey.

Real-Time Oversight

We maintain continuous vigilance over your tailored portfolio, utilizing up-to-the-minute market data and insights to make well-informed decisions and capture opportunities.

Effortless Rebalancing

We employ automatic rebalancing to sustain ideal asset allocations, effortlessly keeping your portfolio aligned with your desired financial goals.

Minimum Investment $100,000
Target Performance 42-48% ROI
Management Fee 0.2%
Performance Fee 2%
Investment Cycle 4-6 Months
Early Withdrawal Fee 25% of ROI
Personalized/Customized Portfolio

Terms for Owning a Personalized Portfolio

Our portfolio terms empower you to steer your financial objectives.

Beginning Your Digital Asset Investment Journey
Embarking on your digital asset investment journey with Xshares Advisors LLC is a streamlined process designed to unlock the full potential of our investment solutions. Follow these simple steps to get started:

STEP 1: Create a FREE Account

Click the 'CREATE FREE ACCOUNT' button to initiate your investment account setup. It's crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date information during this stage.

STEP 2: Complete Account Verification

You'll receive an email with a verification link at the provided email address. This step is essential to adhere to regulatory requirements and ensure your account's authenticity.

STEP 3: Fund Your Account

Once your account is successfully created and verified, the next step is to fund it. Choose the payment option that suits you best and follow the provided instructions to initiate the transfer.

STEP 4: Select an Investment Plan

Explore our range of investment plans and choose the one that aligns with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. Each plan comes with its unique strategies, historical performance data, and potential returns.